How to Tell When Your Septic Tank Needs Pumping

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Septic System Services: The 5 Signs of a Faulty Septic Tank

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Talking about your septic system may seem unpleasant. But given that it plays such an important role in your life and that of your loved ones, it can be a topic too hot to ignore. And is it not unfortunate that many people seem clueless about their sewer system until things get out of hand? 

Even if you are not an expert, you need to get some basics about your septic system right. That way, you will be able to contact septic system repair services before a small problem becomes a bigger issue. So here are the five common signs that you're dealing with a faulty septic tank. 

There Is a Foul Smell Coming from the Septic System 

No one can stand foul smells. If you have noticed an unpleasant odour coming from your yard, you should hire a sewer repair specialist for an examination. The foul smell could just be a drying drain, and if that's the case, let a professional check and fix the problem. 

The Grass on Your Yard Seems to Be Growing Much Faster 

Perhaps you just had a lawnmower work on your yard recently, but the grass is already growing back at a rate you can't seem to understand. It could be a sign of a leaking septic tank. So, make sure you examine the condition of your septic tank and call for professional help if you have a problem. 

You Notice a Sewer Backup

A sewer backup is nasty. The wastewater that is supposed to go away from your home usually comes back, making it hard even to flash your toilet. You certainly cannot work with such a problem. You should call for septic system services at once. They will start by pumping the tank to clear the way. And then they'll do some repairs to manage the flooding effect. 

The Drains Are Slow

Your pipes need to be clear of anything that could cause clogging or a blockage. Only then can it empty the waste into the sewer system. So, if your drain seems slow, it means that something is clogging the pipes and that you need immediate septic system repair services.

Presence of Water Pools

The only time you should not worry about pools of water around your home is if there was a recent storm. If not, you should suspect the septic system because it means there is an overflow that needs fixing as soon as possible. 

Your sewerage system needs the most attention that it can get. Through regular maintenance, you can save money on costly repairs and keep the tank in the best condition possible. For more information about septic system services, contact a local septic company.
