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Septic Tank Maintenance: How to Avoid System Mishaps and Failures

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If you have built a septic tank for managing your domestic wastewater, you should plan for proper upkeep. Maintaining this critical system will prevent damage and accelerated wear of the components. Consequently, you will not need to spend money on repairs. Moreover, a well-maintained system will not cause common problems, such as bad odours and environmental contamination.

Unfortunately, most homeowners are not familiar with the best practices for using this type of domestic wastewater treatment system. As a result, a lot of bad habits are upheld after the installation of the units. Over time, these tanks experience extensive strain and failure. Therefore, if you are new to septic systems, consider using these tips to promote better performance and prevent mishaps.

Minimise Chemicals

Septic systems depend on biological agents for breaking down the waste. In simple terms, the waste, which is disposed of in the tank, is exposed to bacteria. Then, these microorganisms decompose the collected materials and ensure that the resulting effluent is not significantly harmful. This process can be disrupted by the release of harmful chemicals into the tank. Products such as bleach will kill the bacteria if released in large quantities, and this will compromise the decomposition process. Therefore, you should reduce your use of harsh cleaners.

Avoid Rubbish Disposal

Microbial decomposition has its limitations. Simply speaking, the bacteria in your septic tank will not be able to break down every item flushed into the container. Therefore, if you flush down materials which cannot be degraded within a short time, you will cause damage to your septic system. For instance, tampons, cigarettes, sanitary towels and diapers cannot be worn down with ease. These tend to remain in the tank and might even cause serious plumbing clogs. You should avoid this by only flushing down waste and toilet paper into the tank.

Pump the Septic Tank

You should plan for periodic pumping of the tank. This will allow for the removal of the solids in the container. Often, homeowners forget about this critical process because the design of the septic system allows for the removal of wastewater. However, you should keep in mind that the discharge which is released is only the treated effluent from the septic tank. The solid materials usually remain at the bottom and must be removed. If you forget this task, the tank could overflow. Moreover, the waste could back up into the drain pipes in your house. Therefore, you should consult a specialist service provider in your area for septic tank pump out.

Reach out to a septic tank service to learn more.
