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How to Be a Good Corporate Citizen When It Comes to Your Water Use

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If you are in charge of a sizeable industrial facility, you will be constantly on the lookout for ways to streamline your operation and to make it more efficient. However, you will also be aware of your status as a major corporate citizen and will want to do your best for the environment from both a holistic perspective and from a promotional point of view. You may think you are taking the relevant steps when it comes to your utility use and have, in particular, cut down on your water intake a great deal. However, you can always go a lot further and should consider how you can repurpose the water for a variety of different reasons.

Reclaim and Recycle

What happens with your wastewater at the moment? Do you simply get rid of it in accordance to standard protocol and think nothing more? What about trying to reclaim some or most of this water and recycle it for other uses? To do this, you will need a proper wastewater processing system.

Community Irrigation

While the water used in your plant may not be ideally suited for human consumption, it can almost certainly be reused for irrigation purposes so long as it is properly recycled. You can divert it back into the community, so it helps to maintain the appropriate shade of green on your local golf course. Alternatively, you may be able to send the water into the residential community so that it can be used to power hundreds of sprinklers on any given morning.

Internal Efficiency

What if you were to reuse this processed water in your own facility, to cut down on the amount of fresh water that you take from the public system? This would help you to reduce your overall utility bill and considerably reduce the size of your carbon footprint at the same time.

Helping Hand

You could be a good neighbour to other major industrial facilities in your neighbourhood by offering them a relatively cheap and eco-friendly source of additional water instead. They would certainly thank you for being magnanimous and might even think about taking the same approach themselves.

More Confidence

If you find that you still have excess capacity after looking into these options, you can still send the treated water back into the aquifer with confidence. Any further impurities will be filtered out naturally, and you will help to hydrate the local flora rather than be at a risk of causing pollution.

As you can see, this type of approach has nothing but benefits for a company like yours. Put the idea on your next meeting agenda for further discussion. For more information and tips, contact your local wastewater systems service today.
